"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
Deuteronomy 6:4-7
(973) 423-3331
Do Yon Hwang
Curriculum Coordinator
Mrs. Hwang accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and Lord at the age of five after reading the Gospel of John with her older sister. For this reason, she never underestimates a young person’s faith journey and knows that no one is too young to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Therefore when the call to nurture and disciple young people presented itself in the form of a vocational call, she eagerly said yes to becoming an educator.
Mrs. Hwang began her career in 1995, teaching social studies at a public high school. Since then, Mrs. Hwang has had the opportunity to teach students from diverse backgrounds. God opened the doors for her to work in both elementary and secondary education. She mentored students with behavioral and academic challenges at a state-funded public school program in Maryland. In California, Mrs. Hwang helped transition and acclimate students whose first language was not English. In addition, she created and enriched the curricula at a school for academically gifted students in New York City. Mrs. Hwang taught College Board Advanced Placement courses, provided intervention services in the core subject areas, sponsored extracurricular clubs, coached academic competitions, and implemented interdisciplinary curricula. When her sons were young, she took a break from teaching in the classroom. Later in 2017, she joined the faculty at HCA, where her sons have been students since PreK3 and kindergarten.
In 2022, Mrs. Hwang became the first Curriculum Coordinator at HCA. Undergirded by her comprehensive teaching experiences and her passion for lifelong learning, Mrs. Hwang is thrilled to support both the curricular needs of the students and to assist the needs of the teachers who walk alongside the students at HCA.
BS Secondary Social Studies Education – University of Maryland
MA Curriculum and Teaching, Gifted Education – Teachers College, Columbia University